Exporting Records from Zendesk to Kustomer

Upgrading from Zendesk to your Kustomer certainly requires some amount of preparation before the actual process. It can look easy, but data migration is a complex process that might result in the loss of information if you’re not careful. However, if you undergo problems transferring your data from Zendesk to your Kustomer, we can help make the export seamless.

More details
Limited Import Options

Lack of IT or Tech Support Team

The export technique you choose is significant as it can affect the outcome of the transfer. You have to use the safest method, or you are in danger of losing data.

In addition to that risk, you cannot make sure that your tech support team will be able to perform such a complex assignment.

Yes, the most noticeable issue businesses face is the lack of experience of the IT support team in regards to the exportation process.

Congested Vendors

When companies out there don’t have the opportunity to manage the transition process, they may look for assistance from help desk software vendors.

Although, help desk software suppliers mostly don’t want to spare their own staff to help you leave their platform to another one. This makes moving important data to a different help desk even more complicated.

Requires Professional IT Team
Manual Import Drawbacks

The Danger of Manual Export

Another way is a money-saver because you can also conduct the complete export yourself and save a lot of expenses creating a file with all of your customer info.

However, there’s a possibility that the produced CSV file might have the wrong formatting. As a result, your Kustomer won’t be able to read it.

Of course, you can attempt reformatting everything on your own but there’s an even higher possibility that you can make all of it unsuitable or much worse.

How to Make Zendesk Export Easy

Transferring data from Zendesk to your Kustomer should never puzzle your company. We get the needs of companies and why they need risk-free and successful data export. And we can help you organize an efficient migration of data and continue your responsibilities as soon as possible.

Export from Zendesk to Kustomer

Here’s The way we Can Serve Your Company

We have been helping companies move their data to other help desks for years.

So, we’re familiar with the process and the eccentricities one must deal with for a successful export more than anyone.

Our tool for an automated transition process handles the a lot of problems and has the next pluses:

Time Saver

You won’t get stuck glaring at your computer and waiting for the progress bar to move on. Carry on with running your business as though it’s a normal weekday.There’s no need to waste several hours to control each step by yourself.

Unlimited Testing

We understand that you require your data harmless. Most help desks have backups, but we don’t want you to resort to that. Using our unlimited demo tryouts, you can opt for demo migration to identify any issues and deal with them before the migration.

Successful Data Transfer

With our automated application, you won’t need to wait for a script or code to be written. With the aid of our export service, you just have to submit a request and then get a ready-to-go tool for your migration.

100% Ticket Integrity

Export each ticket with all the information uncut. Our migration tool works properly that ticket corrupting is close to unreal. The automatic process goes through testing and balancing on a regular basis.

Our Service Guarantees

Privacy and Confidentiality

All data you trust to us will be kept strictly confidential and far from prying eyes. Be confident, your passwords and other secret information will be protected. We’ll only exploit your information during the export process.

Dedicated Support Team

We have agents prepared to assist you with any problems you might have. We can also support your throughout the procedure and stay with you until everything works as intended.

100% Data Integrity

Our automated tool is continually checked and upgraded to provide what you need. Move data quickly with no data missing.

What you can migrate

That the list is generalized and may differ depending on your target platform

Help Desk Objects
  • Tickets

    with replies, notes and attachments

  • Contact
  • Companies
  • Agents
  • Agents Groups
Knowledge Base Objects
  • Articles

    with images and attachments

  • Categories
  • Folders

Automatic Zendesk Export – How it Works


Preparing Before the Process

Preparation is the basic stage of successful help desk transfer. To begin with, you will need to access your Kustomer and create agent accounts and custom fields there. If there are other things you should do, our team members will inform you.


Connecting Zendesk

You will need to grant us with your Zendesk login info in order to be able to carry out the transition. This is obligatory so that our tool can access info from your Zendesk.


Linking Kustomer

Similarly, certain permits from your target help desk software will be asked for to go on with the export. Thus, our tool can connect both accounts for the data exportation process.


Controlling Data Transport

You can decide which records you want to transition and arrange them to be migrated to the Kustomer. The data migration process is under your control until it’s completed as you wish.


Trial Run

We highly advise that you conduct a test run before the real process. This is the reason why we have our Free Demo Migration. Exploiting this demo tool, you can move a little number of customer requests which you can then examine to be sure of acquiring the right result.


Migrating to Kustomer

Finally, as soon as you’re satisfied with the demo migration, it’s time to start migrating data to your new platform. Pick out an uncrowded period when your support agents aren't overloaded and start the migration process. [/spin]

Hear from our satisfied clients

Automated Data Migration

It’s as exactly as we tell about it. See the entire operation yourself with our trial run.

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Ask our Experts to Help along with your Zendesk Export

We have highly trained support team that can help you with the whole migration process. Obtain real-time assistance for an efficient move.

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