Pay attention to all possible scenarios with our Zendesk export tool

Things to consider before doing any kind of transfers

Exporting tickets is easy, but you can’t tell the same about other data.

Many users fail to move data correctly and they often find themselves in an unsalvageable state where all information is eighter broken, unreadable, or missing.

User export and User Import features in modern help desk platforms aren’t perfect. That is why you need to make sure that:

Shifting from Freshdesk to a new platform?

Your current help desk has at least one extra export option.


The data export feature you are planning to use is reliable.


It offers additional user export settings.

Export your data correctly

Export your data correctly

The reason why you need to do this right from the start is that it helps you to avoid any problems in the future. Imagine a scenario where you performed a ticket export and found out that some of them are missing, unreadable, or outright broken.

An unpleasant experience indeed. To bypass these issues, it’s best that you assess all your ticket export options beforehand.

Zendesk export done right

Let’s talk about ticket export options

So, let’s say you want to export Zendesk data but have no clue what to do with all those settings. You see a lot of file formats, some checkboxes, and a couple of columns. What do you press? Will it delete your data?

All these questions are normal and you won't be the first one to ask them. You see, each platform has its set of rules and ticket export options. In Zendesk, you can choose between .CSV and .XML formats.

They are technically identical and should work with any platform. Before you export tickets, make sure that you’ve enabled the export function and once that is done, navigate to Manage > Reports > Full XML export.

Keep in mind that this tutorial is will only help you export Zendesk file and not any other.

Bingo! Now you have the exported files and ready to move on.

I have the data, what do I do next?

You can start the migration process to your desired platform. You have two options, one entails doing everything manually and the other requires a tool. The main difference between them is that doing things manually might cause trouble.

Unlike the automated way, doing it on your own will not only take a lot of time but could potentially result in data loss or mismatch. Having a specialized tool to do the work for you eliminates the possibility of human errors.

The algorithm will move data seamlessly and will make sure that all your tickets, agents, dates, deadlines are placed correctly. It exports ticket files, verifies their integrity, and place them in the proper filed.

There have been the cases where people did a manual data export and found that agent data was in deadline field, while the deadline data was in the trash can.

It can get complicated so we suggest that you use a proper tool to do this operation and not wait until Zendesk support finds a solution to your problem.

Are there any other ways of doing it?

Yes, you can export data using Zendesk’s API. This method assumes that you are a developer and know what you are doing. The company provides documentation, but it still requires a lot of time to learn.

We suggest you stick to the “traditional” method but if you want to learn a new API, head over to the Zendesk support section for more information.

Exporting data shouldn’t be a hurdle

We believe that any kind of migration process should be effortless. This is the sole reason why we created a versatile piece of software that will help you move data more effectively. With our tool, you can safely move:


User data


Knowledge base


We crafted the tool with users in mind.

That is why exporting tickets, migrating fields, and verifying data is simple and fast.

Start for free